IMG_8620New acrylic figure paint overIMG_4313like the figures i dropped on the floor after completion[stop the plasticity]
3.5’x5’IMG_8534acrylic pencil pastel on paper 6’x2.5’ newIMG_8541same stuffIMG_8459bigger on canvasIMG_8451



IMG_6022Pipes 2015

IMG_6449 IMG_6013

6’ stove pipe

This site is edited by the artist,any mistake, good idea or bad is owned by me. I built this site with the kind and expert help to get started by Ryan Burns computer wizard.All Ideas and ALL Contents © Martin Hough 1977-2017 all rights reserved. I am a RIT SAC trained ceramicist but for 30 yrs I paint pretty much every day some abstract, some representational with no particular agenda and for some reason my life has allowed me the